World Marketing Summit


about the summit

The World Marketing Summit (WMS) is an independent global organization, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, committed to creating a better world for our future generations through marketing. WMS was created in 2010 by Professor Philip Kotler, popularly known as a marketing guru who has initiated global movements through marketing strategies that inspire change in human behavior, leading to a positive impact on society and living.

WMS has a strong drive to improve the state of the world by engaging global and community leaders in marketing and business, research and academics, politics and society, women and gender, to ensure sustainable business growth of products and services and thus improve the lives of people across the globe.

WMS works in different continents including Asia and North America and plans to expand its projects in Europe and Africa. It strives to be objective and independent and is not tied to any political, partisan or national interests.

WMS’s marketing and business initiatives include World Marketing Summits and Award Programs in different cities, an annual marketing journal, and online marketing courses and programs.